No subject
Wed Oct 13 01:52:15 CEST 2010
equallity between aboutToFinish() and finished() (latter of course
only if former was not received already). Consider the following case:
*) user plays webstream
*) webstream fails (connection lost)
*) backend emits finished (taking the documentation literally
aboutToFinish should only be emitted when the backend can give enough
time to enqueue a new track
*) amarok continues in playlist
This behaviour can however only be archived reliably if you accept
finished() as possibly premature end and treat it as such.
Additionally I would like to mention that the workaround we use right
now, makes the contextview switch to the "I am not playing no nothing"
mode, presumably because Amarok intreprets the finished() as such
regardless of whether a new track is already on the way.
I hope this all makes sense considering I wrote it while sitting in
calculus class ^^
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