Fingerprinting ... was Re: Thanks for MusicBrainz patch
Stefan Derkits
stefan at
Mon Oct 4 16:06:21 CEST 2010
Hash: SHA1
On 10/04/2010 11:29 AM, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> Hey Sergey,
> I just wanted to say a big "thank you!" for you MusicBrainz/MusicDNS
> patch. Our whole team has been impressed by the speed and accuracy of
> your work, and also about the constructive communication with you.
> Thanks, and we'd love to continue working with you, if you want to :)
> Mark.
Hey everyone,
I did not try the MusicBrainz Patch yet, but I must say I'm also
impressed about the Speed Sergey reacted to Feedback.
For me there is one important Location where Fingerprints should really
be, and that is in the Database, created via the Collection Scanner
(because then we have many possibillities of new Features).
Daniel Dewald, who is working on the lastfm Fingerprinting, wrote in a
previous Mail that this is at the Moment not possible because Phonon
can't output the Audio faster then normal Speed and Fingerprinting would
take too long.
So my Questions is:
- -) Till now (as I understand), the Collectionscanner doesn't use Phonon
and can only scan everything that Taglib can read. Wouldn't be Phonon
just for Fingerprinting (in the Collectionscanner) be a not really
needed additional Dependency?
So wouldn't it be better to use liblastfm Fingerprinting [or maybe also
MusicBrainz/libofa Fingerprinting] (at least in the Collectionscanner)
without Phonon?
Just seems a little unfair that MusicBrainz/libofa is in Trunk, but
liblastfm Fingerprinting not because Daniel wanted to base his work on
Phonon whereas Sergey just used xine or ffmpeg.
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