Fwd: about collection scanner

Mikko C. mikko.cal at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 19:14:03 CET 2010

As per request, I'm forwarding this to the list.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: 	about collection scanner
Data: 	Sat, 06 Nov 2010 12:45:32 +0100
Mittente: 	Mikko C. <mikko.cal at gmail.com>
A: 	Ralf Engels <ralf-engels at gmx.de>

I have a problem. I have amarok updated from git master.

I added 3 new albums (directories) to my collection (more than 20k
songs, about 1900 albums/directories).
In addition I modified the directory names of 5-10 albums.

Then I went to Tools ->  Update Collection.

I noticed the disk started working, and amarok output was spitting out
something like
"removed directory /foo/bar/" for every directory in the collection!

After a while, disk activity stopped and my collection is now 172 tracks
It contains the 3 new albums + those 5-10 I modified the name of
(without album cover though).

I restarted amarok.

I started a Full rescan, from the Collection settings, hoping to get my
collection (and statistics!) back.

After quite a few minutes of disk activity, the bar progress is now
stuck at 2% and nothing more is happening.

This is some of the amarok output during a full rescan:

amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: run:  34 current path
"../../mnt/mybook/Mp3/N/National, The - [2005] Alligator"
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: run:  35 current path
"../../mnt/mybook/Mp3/B/Beirut - [2009] March Of The Zapotec -
Realpeople Holland/Realpeople Holland"
TagLib: MPEG::Header::parse() -- Invalid sample rate.
TagLib: MPEG::Header::parse() -- Invalid sample rate.
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: run:  36 current path
"../../mnt/mybook/Mp3/B/Bob Marley - [1979] Survival"
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: run:  37 current path
"../../mnt/mybook/Mp3/T/Toto - [1988] The Seventh one"
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: run:  38 current path
"../../mnt/mybook/Mp3/B/Black Dice - [2002] Beaches&  Canyons"


TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT.  It will be
discarded from the tag.
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data
amarok [ScanManager] XmlParseJob: addNewXm.Data

and it ends here. It doesn't hang but it doesn't progress either.

"amarokcollectionscanner -r Mp3&>  collection.log"

seems to end correctly, although I cannot really tell, since it's not
alphabetically ordered.

I'm using an external mysql database. It's always worked before.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this.



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