Media Device Syncing - One more time now .. (we have a volunteer)

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Sat May 29 15:41:39 CEST 2010

> We'll reuse a concept in KDE with modifiers to move or sync instead of
> the default drop action, which should be to copy.

To stay consistent with other KDE apps like Dolphin or Kontact, I suggest 
displaying a context menu when dropping instead of having a default action. 
This way we don't make assumptions about what the user may want while still 
allowing modifiers to override the display of the menu.

I know that not all users/developers agree with that way of handling d&d, but 
I expect it to spread over to many KDE applications (probably there are more 
apps adopting it already which I just haven't used yet) so Amarok should go 
along with it.


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