[GSoC Update] Playdar Collection Update 2
Andy Coder
andrew.coder at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 00:32:41 CEST 2010
Time for another update!
Unfortunately, I was distracted from most everything at the beginning
of the week, since my car was broken into Monday, (only left it for an
hour, in plain view of Memorial Day foot traffic in a small town, but a
window was smashed and my GPS and satellite radio receiver were
taken). Lame, time consuming and expensive to deal with, but it's
over now...
Getting back on topic, I moved JsonQt into a new top-level directory
named external/ as suggested and added a README.txt. I also
snipped the appropriate parts of the songkick engine's CMakeLists.txt
and put them in a new one in external/, which I added to the include
directories for the songkick engine, (both components build just fine
for me). I also added an 'add_subdirectory( external )' to the top level
CMakeLists.txt in the 'if ( WITH_PLAYER )' section, but I'm not sure if
this is necessary or appropriate, (thoughts?).
The Playdar backend structure has been simplified by scratching the
old Controller/ControllerPrivate idea, and setting up a support
directory with Controller.[h/cpp] and QueryObject.[h/cpp]. Both live in
a new namespace, Playdar, and together provide the abstraction of
Playdar's basic functions to methods of getting Amarok metadata
objects by specifying search conditions.
I defined and implemented Playdar::Controller this week, providing
status(), resolve( artist, album, title ) and getResults( qid ), (but
forgetting getResultsLongPoll( qid ) which will probably be more useful
in Amarok, it's on my list for this weekend). The only problem I've run
into is ensuring that the correct results get to the object that
requests them. As Playdar resonds to HTTP requests, Controller
process the response and emits statusChecksOut(), qidReady( const
QString& ), resultsReady( QVariantMap ), or error( ErrorType ) as
appropriate. However, objects connected to resultsReady() will get
sent results from all finished queries. My current solutions to this are
using a separate Controller instance for each query or letting results
get sent everywhere and assuming the receiving object will check
.value("qid") in the map to see if it's theirs, using the correct results
and disconnecting once they've got them. Does anyone have
thoughts on those two options or perhaps a better option that
doesn't involve spewing results everywhere?
Some time was also spent considering context applet uses. Aside
from the straightforward search-and-play applet, I made some notes
about a recommendations applet that takes suggested artist/last.fm
tag/etc. data, selects some appropriate artist/[album]/title
combinations and tries to resolve them, displaying any found tracks. I
also scribbled about an 'Alternate Versions' applet, which would
attempt to find different recordings of the currently playing track.
This weekend/next week, I'm planning on finishing Playdar::Controller,
writing tests for it, and working on Playdar::QueryObject, so there will
be a usable interface to Playdar from Amarok before going on to
make use of it in the collection and such.
Finally, my changes can be seen in the playdar_collection branch of
- Andy Coder
[0] git://gitorious.org/~andycoder/amarok/andycoders-amarok-
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