EBN (Krazy) check works again with Amarok

Kevin Funk krf at gmx.de
Tue Jan 26 10:06:40 CET 2010

Tuesday 26 January 2010, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at kde.org>:
> Good news, everyone!
> The EBN team has succeeded with including Amarok in their code
> analysis again (it was missing since we had migrated to Git). Check it
> out here:
> http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/extragear/multimedia/a
> marok-git/index.html
> Big thanks to Allen Winter and the EBN crew :)

Hey Allen,

it would be very useful if you (the EBN crew) could provide us patches instead 
of notifications for trivial changes like single char issues ("a" -> 'a').
Requires some rather small changes to Krazy since the parser already locates 
those issues easily.
Or is there some reason for not doing this?


Kevin Funk

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