Decision needed for "Move to Trash"

Lukas 1lukas1 at
Wed Jan 20 23:26:55 CET 2010

Reading this discussion its not clear wherever:

*  is it bad to do any delete related action in playlist? (Well, I
agree with Jakob)
*  is it bad because "nobody" does it? (If Amarok is a "nobody", then
it should not do it too)
*  is it bad to let users delete too easily, thus cosing 'accidental
deletions'? (Why not no make a big red button with timeout before
*  Is it bad because it clutters interface? (Move to "Actions" section)
*  is it bad, because then "Locate in Dolphin" action wont fit?  (Move
to "Actions" section)
*  etc?

If it would be my decision, I would probably do:

Replace 0.5 star to bomb icon. Lowest possible rating indicates, that
I hate this song, and i want to delete it later. To do so, I could
filter collection manager with rating:0.5 o rating:delete.

Also put all functions not related to playing track to "Actions"
section. It wont clutter main menu, want confuse while scanning menu,
as it wont be in 1st level, and if you are in sub-menu, you are
probably looking for something exactly.

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