Decision needed for "Move to Trash"

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Wed Jan 20 05:28:43 CET 2010

Here's a quick recap of both sides points:

For "Move to Trash" from playlist:
* needed to delete files that are not in the collection
* more convenient than using the file browser or collection browser

* Deleting is a collection/file management action - the playlist is
_not_ a file/collection manager
* Adding it to the context menu of the playlist would make an
already-pretty-big context menu even bigger. (Slippery slope!)

That about sums up the discussion at the merge request and the bug

Personally, I am against the inclusion of this feature. Deleting
files/tracks is not an action that belongs in the playlist, because it
is a collection management action.

Another point along the same lines is that it is difficult to tell the
source of a track in the playlist.. it may be a file in your
collection, it might be online, it might be a duplicate of another
track you already have. This is intentional, we treat all tracks the
same in the playlist. If the Trash action was in the playlist, there
would be ambiguity as to which actual file is being deleted.

The solution is to do as Bart and Nikolaj have suggested: Add a "Show
in Collection/File Browser" action to the playlist context menu.
Initiating this action will show the selected track in the file or
collection browser, where *ALL* the collection/file management actions
can be accessed not just Trash.


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