Add `group` filed to `labels` table?

Lukas 1lukas1 at
Wed Jan 13 23:57:36 CET 2010

> Yes, it's quite a fine idea until you use Amarok for a longer time, it
> would be quite easy to get hundreds of different groups. How are you
> to browse them? You'll want your groups to have sub groups, and sub
> sub groups. Not to mention what happens if you want a tag to go into
> multiple groups? The point of tags (read: amarok's labels) is to break
> out of meaningless category hierarchies. There's an inconvenient
> mathematical theorem (thank you Godel) that, in layman's terms, says:
> No matter how you organize things, there will always be something
> (e.g., a new track) that you'll need a new label for to make it fit.
> Rather than add a layer of unnecessary and meaningless abstraction, we
> should fix the UI in which labels are presented so it is easy to drill
> down through several layers of labels and find the subset you are
> looking for.
> Off the top of my head this would require: a filter bar, perhaps a
> breadcrumb interface to add multiple labels.
> Casey

It's my mistake, I chose wrong word to describe my idea - "groups".

As i can see now, word groups automatically creates associations with
complex hierarchies in a long term.

The better choice would be to call it a "role" or "origin" or "mean"
or "purpose" of the label (English is not my mother language, but i
hope i found better expression this time). When talking about
hierarchies, it could be prototyped something similar like
Stage 1 -> Stage N -> Stage M -> label.
Thats not what I wanted to tell.

It would be better expressed like (note the direction of the arrow)
Label -> Who I am?
Lukas -> KDE user
Madonna -> Artist
Rock -> genre
Yes it could be reversed, but main cause direction shall be from label
to what it is or in other words - role. This way no inflexible
structures would be created, but at the same time user could get a
label could only containing artists/genres/etc. Having in mind, that
Amarok is a music player, not a
all-in-one-super-tool-including-word-processing, it is reasonable to
expect, that quite limited number of possible roles could be created -
artist, genre, tag, mood, color, language - i couldn't think of more
right now.

Just to make clear, "The point of tags (read: amarok's labels) is to
break out of meaningless category hierarchies" - I agree of the point,
that labels should not be handled in a folder like way. My idea also
does not argue with "No matter how you organize things, there will
always be something (e.g., a new track) that you'll need a new label
for to make it fit" as it doesn't limit number of possible label track
can have in any way. Neither does it forces anyone to put labels under
a role, if user doesn't see a point of doing this.

Another bonus could be "Find all tracks having mood, except sad" (this
differs form exclude "sad" tracks, in case if not all tracks has mood
label, but user wants to be sure, it wont play sad songs e.g. he sets
up an alarm).


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