Add `group` filed to `labels` table?

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Sun Jan 10 01:07:31 CET 2010

> It is quite easy to get hundreds of different labels as you keep using
> Amarok for a long time. Its not bad thing as thats why they are created for,
> but browsing them can became too complicated.
> having group field could help dealing with it. Lets say labels sad, happy,
> angry, nice would became members of mood group, slow, fast - speed etc.

Yes, it's quite a fine idea until you use Amarok for a longer time, it
would be quite easy to get hundreds of different groups. How are you
to browse them? You'll want your groups to have sub groups, and sub
sub groups. Not to mention what happens if you want a tag to go into
multiple groups? The point of tags (read: amarok's labels) is to break
out of meaningless category hierarchies. There's an inconvenient
mathematical theorem (thank you Godel) that, in layman's terms, says:
No matter how you organize things, there will always be something
(e.g., a new track) that you'll need a new label for to make it fit.

Rather than add a layer of unnecessary and meaningless abstraction, we
should fix the UI in which labels are presented so it is easy to drill
down through several layers of labels and find the subset you are
looking for.

Off the top of my head this would require: a filter bar, perhaps a
breadcrumb interface to add multiple labels.


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