Label buttons - one more time
Thomas Lübking
thomas.luebking at
Thu Feb 18 00:12:02 CET 2010
Am Wednesday 17 February 2010 schrieb Thomas Pfeiffer:
> Sorry again. Just after I hit "send", I noticed that I had forgotten the
> third way to start from the beginning: Clicking the progress bar.
> While this is probably the easiest way to do it
> , it still has the problem that the user has to click the exact zero point
of the bar which is a much
no. the area is afaics. slight larger (but we could support this by e.g.
making the timelabel reset the position when clicked while not playing - this
does not have to be detectable as it's just meant for UI conveniance)
Also the current track could very well do so on click (aside jumping to the PL
Btw, with a little training i can hit it w/o really stopping the mouse.
(Probably far too much Quake in my youth =)
>Plus: The user has to click both the progress bar and the play button to
start playing from the beginning.
Nope. That's wrong.
just try: playing is resumed as soon as you alter the position or volume (not
my invention... i think :)
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