Toolbar Request/Idea

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Wed Feb 17 16:12:21 CET 2010

> 1) we cannot throw interactive elements under the pointer, i.e. in case
> they're required (iirc the collection scanner has a nice little "x" to stop -
> yesno?) we need to reserve an area for them.
> interactive elements as a stop button. are they required?

Yes, they are definitely required. Some jobs could hang, or take a lot
longer than the user thought.
Scenario: Bob starts an ipod sync, transferring X GB but then
something comes up in IRL. He cancels the operation,  grabs his ipod
and leaves.

> 2) we cannot take interaction from the user at all, i.e. at least when the
> cursor enters the toolbar, the standard stuff must be available
Of course, I agree. The user should always be able to  pause/next/prev/etc

> 4) some actions (collection scan) can last _really_ long, so the display
 should not be too intese/invasive
Totally agree.

> Attached is a sketch, but (in case of interest) i'll implement a dummy demo to
> really illustrate the below later on.

Maybe I have to see the demo, but I'm not sure I really like the
mockup. Part of it is a failure on my part to specify something else.

Some operations will be rapidly updating their progress text, example,
a transfer operation.

An iPod sync operation could be made of the following (rotating,
overlayed, somehow) elements
* iPod Syncing
* Transferring: Track Name   4/500
* Progress meter

If I try to fit that into your mockup, I see that giant text
flickering as the text updates causing epileptics to seizure ;-)

Other Thoughts:
1) Looks very busy
2) I like the backgrounded-ness it portrays to the user,  but
sometimes the user wants to bring the background operation to the
"foreground" of his attention.

Like I said, maybe i need to see the live demo.

> Actually this makes a step away from static UIs and towards the 4th gen
> toolbar i started to play on, but i guess we can find an evolutionary step
> between :)
Which, personally, I love. Static UIs are old and clunky. CPU power is
out there these days (even on netbooks) we can use to throw some extra
cycles at prettyness.

Thanks for taking the time to give this some serious thought :D


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