Proposal: Marking "Work In Progress" explicitly

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Thu Feb 11 14:06:00 CET 2010

Hey all,

lately it has happened that in some cases people had accidentally
removed code that others were working on, not with any evil intent,
but just because of a misunderstanding. I think that's mostly just a
matter of communication. Here's one simple idea for solving this:

If we create classes/methods that are work in progress, how about
marking them with a comment like this:

// THIS CLASS IS WORK IN PROGRESS. Please do not touch for now.

I think that this simple method might solve such issues easily and
without much hassle.

What do you think?

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer, Software Engineer at Collabora Ltd
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe - -

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