Switching to 2.3

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Tue Feb 9 14:37:25 CET 2010

Hi all,

Since there is not much opposition against, or rather quite some voice
approving to name the next version 2.3, I propose to do the changes in
bugzilla, too.

Just as a reminder that talk "pro 2.3":

- we have sensible GUI changes with the new toolbar
- Amarok is now running decently on Windows, which is an additional
promo point that should not be neglected, see also Marks blog post
about that.
- the amount of new features is quite impressive, too

This is the last occasion to voice your opposition against going for
2.3, please speak up now with well funded arguments against the
numbering change, or let's rock on with 2.3 :)

Regards, Myriam

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