Fwd: Multimedia Sprint: Important: meeting final instructions

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Wed Apr 28 23:19:30 CEST 2010

FYI, please all complete your data ASAP.

@Ian and Mark: any news about the 50% split for the Amarok developers?
This seems still to be a grey zone, at least I haven't heard any news
about it from either of you. Thanks for clarifying.

Regards, Myriam

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [kde-edu]: Important: meeting final instructions
Date: Wednesday, 28. April 2010, 13.44:03
From: "Anne-Marie Mahfouf" <annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr>
To: kde-edu at kde.org

Hi all,

For those who registred to attend the meeting in May in Switzerland:
- you need to book your flight tickets, I'll have refund sheets for you at the
mmeeting in order to get reimbursed
- lodging is paid for
- food will be around 10-15 euros per day on your charge which is very low

We need the exact number of people ASAP (meaning in the next 2 days) so please
do fill the table at
on Arrival and Departure please add your flight times like I did. This will
as confirmation that you come. If train or car please add a tentative arrival
departure time as well.

Thanks in advance for confirming this quickly as organization is to be done
quite seriously!

Best regards to all,


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