dorpping files to playlist broken?

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Fri Apr 23 15:07:11 CEST 2010

Am Friday 23 April 2010 schrieb Nanno Langstraat:
> I've found a way to reproduce your symptom: by dropping a file that
> Amarok can't do anything with. (In my case: a .bmp cover art image)
>     * Clear the playlist
>     * Add some tracks
>     * Doubleclick some track to start playing it.
>     * Press "cursor down" key: this makes "active track" and "selected
>       index" different tracks.
>     * Drop a .bmp file somewhere in the playlist.
>     * The "selected index" magically becomes the new drag&drop item.
Confirmend (with a .gif ;-)
Don't have to do steps one and two (have been anyway), three (doesn't matter) 
or four (as well)

Also amarok indicates acception of this drop... mimetype not handled on 


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