[patch] Load media through KDE's KIOSlaves

Valerio Pilo valerio at kmess.org
Fri Sep 4 22:36:22 CEST 2009

Hey everyone! The issue - at least the Amarok part of it - was pretty much 
easy. The proposed patch is attached!
With it, I could add files from KDE SMB shares (not mounted as local 
filesystems I mean) and copy them to the collection.

The worst part of this is TagLib though, since it doesn't read the file tags. 
I've added a bit of code to at least have Amarok show the filename, in the 
meantime I figure out if/how I can improve taglib to read these files.

Anybody willing to help me? You can find me on IRC on #amarok or #kmess :)

Valerio Pilo
KMess developer team
- the Live Messenger alternative for KDE -
web: www.kmess.org - irc: #kmess at Freenode
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