Implementation of the "Custom Tags" Feature

Daniel Dewald Daniel.Dewald at
Wed Oct 28 22:27:50 CET 2009

On Wednesday, 28. October 2009 22:15:24 Dan Meltzer wrote:
> I think this is the wrong approach, the general usage of tagging (when
> I think of it) is to apply a 'tag' to a track (or album, or etc).  I
> don't see where the name,value pair fits into this.  Tracks should
> instead have a list of tags associated with them, or perhaps even
> better, tags should have a list of tracks associated with them.  There
> should be no need to have name,value pairs, I don't think.

I'm not 100% sure how this was implemented Post 2.0 because I never used the 
feature. One could of course make a Tags(id,Tag) and a matching Table e.g. 
Tag_match(id_tag,id_Track). That way one could "create" new tags and select 
the ones to add to a Track from a drop down menu. I would also save some space 
in the DB which is always good ;).

How does that sound Dan?
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