Making SqlQueryMaker case-insensitive

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Mon Oct 26 02:25:22 CET 2009

Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> Jeff Mitchell wrote:
>> Maximilian Kossick wrote:
>>> Documentation on MySql collation, but I think I found it myself. If
>>> the database is utf8_bin by default, you'll have to make each column
>>> referenced by addFilter/excludeFilter use utf8_uicode_ci, as these
>>> filters have to be case insensitive, e.g COLLATE
>>> utf8_unicode_ci like '%foo%' (I'm not sure if this example works, but
>>> all the Sql query makers have to be adapted like this)
>>> See and
>> This is mostly gibberish to me as I know nothing about QueryMakers, much
>> less SqlQueryMakers. Is this something you can tackle?
> Ahh, never mind -- this was easy to follow...done!

Okay, it doesn't entirely work.

It does work to filter in the CB, case insensitively.

I added the COLLATE in likeCondition, which is used by both addFilter
and excludeFilter. However, for some reason, trying to open a tag dialog
on single tracks in the Collection Browser (which creates a queryMaker)
doesn't work (but does for artist/album nodes). It does work to open the
tag dialog from tracks in the playlist (which passes in a Meta::TrackList).

I'm not really sure what could cause this, as I've gone through
SqlQueryMaker and there's only one place where the case-sensitivity
should matter -- in likeCondition. Unless the code building the query is
changing the case of some value in the node before passing it in, and I
missed that.

Any ideas?


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