background-color of the lyrics-applet

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Wed Oct 21 16:22:13 CEST 2009

Am Wednesday 21 October 2009 schrieb Leo Franchi:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Thomas Lübking 
<thomas.luebking at>wrote:
> > Am Sunday 18 October 2009 schrieben Sie:
> > > ok, sounds like some ui magician should put his hands on this (that
> > > means I'm out :))
> >
> > Who's in charge of the LyricsApplet / Context color thing then?
> > (I think so. wants to mimic the finder lefthand column, what would be
> >
> > ::setBackgroundRole(QPalette::AlternateBase); then)
> i guess i'm the de-facto maintainer. i don't do graphics stuff though, a
>  lot of the design was done in conjuction with lee olson. what's the
>  question exactly?
What visual result is intended and esp. why is the Highlight color* used at 
all for a "normal" background instead of QPalette::Base / AlternateBase / 
Window (the regular background roles, depending on the elements "nature")

I.e. can we get rid of the custom palette at all and just pick the proper 
roles or were you rather interested in a shade between QPalette::Window and 
QPalette::Highlight (for what specific reason)
*though desaturated, but usually used to stress focus, hover or selection


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