background-color of the lyrics-applet

Martin darklight.xdarklight at
Fri Oct 16 19:33:13 CEST 2009


after not upgrading amarok for 3 days I just rebuilt it
after the restart I noticed that something was different... was the color of the lyrics applet

I had fixed that some time ago
but three days ago Rick Chen made the background-color
stuff more developer-friendly
but it seems that he did some small mistake when choosing
the final color

here's his code to get the background-color:
> QColor bg = App::instance()->palette().highlight().color();
> qreal value = bg.valueF() > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.1;
> bg.setHsvF( bg.hueF(), 0.07, value, bg.alphaF() );

whereas I used this as background-color:
> App::instance()->palette().background().color();

I've made a screenshot of my amarok - in the first one
[0] I was using the default (light) theme
and the second one [1] I'm using the Obsidian Coast theme
as you can see it's pretty hard to read the text

I will not write a patch which simply changes the new color
back to the one I used (that would be easy, I know - but that
would not fix the problem.).
since I'm not good at UI stuff I don't have any clue how to
optimize the color to make it a) consistent with the rest
of the application b) look good :)

maybe someone has an idea how to make it good-looking
for both, light and dark color schemes



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