Bug or normal? Album detection for files outside collection...

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Sun Nov 29 17:00:24 CET 2009

While working on a "yet-another-toolbar" branch i had to modify the 
TranckNavigators and ran into a failure on RandomAlbum / RepeatAlbum

Turned out that "m_albumGroups.value( m_currentAlbum ).size() == 1" for 
"albums" outside a collection (i.e. just matching album tag)
So the modes behave as their R*Track counterparts.

I wonder whether this is "normal" and the album is a feature of the database 
or just a bug.

If the former, imho there needs to be done sth. to prevent those playmodes on 
such files (i.e. ignore them, and disable these playmodes in case there're no 
other albums)


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