Podcast Support: RSS 1.0 and Atom Feeds

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Thu Nov 19 19:26:12 CET 2009

On 11/19/2009 09:50 AM, Bart Cerneels wrote:
>> We've already merged your request but it went with great difficulty.
>> In the end markey managed to do it since I failed completely. This
>> might be because your repo has some "interesting" branching and
>> merging complicated by the automatic rebasing I had set-up for master.
>> I suggest starting over with a new branch and cherry pick the RSS 1.0
>> and Atom support in before doing a new merge request and only commit
>> relevant changes to that branch, certainly no merges from master.
>> Markey also suggested you use git-squash, please ask him for details.

I'm new to git and it's workflows. I never rebased, sqashed or done similar
things before. Just merging changes. Hope I'll figure it out fast, because I
will not have much time until February (well, *maybe* in the christmas break;
I'm studying Software Engineering and Internet Computing Master at the
University of Technology in Vienna).

>> I'm busy with my other big project today, this weekend and next week.
>> Hell, probably for the next 6 months. So I can't promise when I'll be
>> online or able to check the code. The other devs can tell if it makes
>> sense, I trust them.
>> See you later.
>> Stecchino
> One last thing: set you email address with:
> git --global user.email grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net

This says:
$ git --global user.email grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Unknown option: --global
usage: git [--version] [--exec-path[=GIT_EXEC_PATH]] [-p|--paginate|--no-pager]
[--bare] [--git-dir=GIT_DIR] [--work-tree=GIT_WORK_TREE] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]

$ git --version
git version

$ cat ~/.git/config
        email = grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
        name = Mathias Panzenböck

I wondered about that myself and I do have my email set up in ~/.git/config
(which was written by git itself!). Very strange. I now copied this into
~/.gitconfig and now it seems to work.

> Not having a valid email screws up our commit emails.
> Bart


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