first run experience

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Thu Nov 12 22:16:33 CET 2009

Thomas Lübking wrote:
> Am Thursday 12 November 2009 schrieb Ian Monroe:
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Maximilian Kossick
>>> No collection? Amarok should default to scanning the XDG music dir. Is
>>> that not working anymore?

No, it works. It pops up the collection folder dialog with the XDG music
dir automatically selected. Of course, a lot of people don't put their
music there, which is why people might get the impression that it
doesn't work.

>> Takes a few minutes to run. Which I guess makes for a fine first-run
>> experience, but there's also the "first 5 minutes" to think about.

Never seen it take a long time.

> I'd suggest to _not_ automatically pick the xdg path, but just suggest it 
> (ppl. could manage their music like whatever) and during the collection scan 
> there should be a small tour to show off the non obvious advances of amarok 
> (e.g. explain dynamic playlists, that and how you can attach to an xternal 
> mysql server., the internet services)

For most people this would be a very, very short tour...

> This could be realized by having the context view taking the entire lower 
> area, displaying the wp widgetoid and reference to amaroks wiki.

...and we already have something like this, but it's disabled.


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