Jumping timeslider on trackchange, phonon insight requested

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Sun Nov 1 21:33:11 CET 2009

If you force a track change (at least to me) the slider jumps to some position 
and then to the beginning.

The interim position depends on the new track length compared to the old one 
(thus ahead or behind the last position in the old track)

The reason is that apparently we get a tick() SIGNAL from the old media 
/after/ the track/range changed
(and then two more length changes - those are however not critical)

tick: 49900
length change, old length: 100000, new length: 30000
tick: value = 50000 (ought to be 50%, is now clamped to 100%)
tick: 100 (slider jumps to start)

is this a phonon bug or might there be an issue on de/connecting the signal?

I could "workaround" this to prevent the visual glitch, but of course it would 
be better to not get the "ghost tick" at all.


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