2.1 beta 1

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:21:45 CET 2009

> If we fail to fix it, there is still the option to disable the
> tutorial feature for beta1.

I think this is the way to go. In all honesty, I have a hard time
seeing the feature get ready and useful in time for 2.1.0. Getting it
technically working is only a small part of the actual work as it also
needs useful and translated content.

Come to think of it, what could be really cool, and might even work as
a GSoC project, would be to make the first run tutorial scriptable, so
you could show info, highlight areas and trigger amarok_urls to open
other parts of Amarok using a simple scripts instead of hard coding
all this stuff. This way you could also easily make a generic first
run wizard or more feature specific introductions/tutorials

- Nikolaj

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