Foldable toolbar - questionable usability

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at
Mon Jun 29 11:53:40 CEST 2009

Hi Nikolaj,

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 22:30, Nikolaj Hald
Nielsen<nhnfreespirit at> wrote:

> I added this precisely to start a discussion, so goal accomplished! :-)

I went over it again and tested a bit around and I am even less
convinced about the real usability of your addition today.

1. It adds unnecessary complexion to the existing Amarok. Especially
with the "symmetry" you added, we find ourselves with arrows that do
precisely nothing on the left and which are not intuitive on the right

2. It is just plain ugly, sorry to be that blunt, but those green
arrows have always been ugly, wherever they were.

3. Adding those arrows everywhere for the sake of symmetry means also
we will have to add a function to all the existing arrows, and this
adds again more unnecessary complexity and we will have to invent new
items to add, just because there are folding arrows? Come on, this
makes absolutely no sense.

I strongly vote against these folding arrows and suggest to remove
those everywhere, including the context view. I am sure we can find an
alternative way to add applets

I am quite disappointed, Amarok started to look nice and now it begins
to suck again, complexity everywhere just because we listen to every
fart the users come up with, and no, I am not sorry about the wording.
Already the playlist options are too many, and the realisation doesn't
fit in the general aspect, as we have now non less than 5 different
menus, dropdown selectors, option choosers and tool boxes for the
playlist alone!

Sorry, I think you are on a wrong path here, please, make it easier,
not more complex. I think we need an extensive discussion about the
playlist in Gran Canaria before you even add more stuff, consensus

Regards, Myriam.
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