Google SoC History

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at
Thu Jun 25 05:20:13 CEST 2009

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Celeste Lyn Paul<celeste at> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Some of you may know this alrady, but I have taken over coordination for the
> OpenUsability Season of Usability. It is very similar to the Google SoC except
> we do usability work.
> I am interested in finding ways the SoU can retain more of our student interns.
> And so I am looking at KDE's involvement in the Google SoC. There have been a
> ton of Amarok projects for the Google SoC, so I thought I would start with
> you.
> I created a Googledoc spreadsheet with every KDE SoC project up until 2008.
> (Before you yell "Wiki!" I thought a Googledoc would be more convenient
> because you can sort and stuff) Listed are the year, student name, project,
> mentor, and a few other columns:
> I would *greatly* appreciate it if those of you who have mentored SoC projects
> (or perhaps you are a student turn developer) to fill out the rest of the
> columns for your project. These columns are questions aimed to see if students
> continue contributing to KDE and how long:
> Was the project code committed? Yes or No
> Did the student continue to contribute after the SoC? Yes or No
> How long did the student continue to contribute? < 3 months or 3-6 months or
> 6+ months or Still contributing
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks!

It looks like you missed the failed SoC projects. There was only one
in Amarok history (I added him), but I don't know about others.


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