Testing out database utf8 changes

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at kde.org
Sat Jun 20 18:27:33 CEST 2009

Amarok SVN users,

I've made some changes to the database and have an upgrade ready to go,
but would like some further help testing in the short term because the
original guy that was working with me has disappeared.  If you've been
seeing problems with files with utf8 characters in the last day or two,
the reason is that I haven't rolled out this other half of the fix yet.

So those that can test this out, please do the following:

1) Open up Amarok with --debug to ensure that the next time it's run
you'll have full debug output
2) Make a backup of your mysqle database folder
3) Change DB_VERSION to 5 in
4) Recompile, reinstall
5) Open up "amarok" in gdb and run with --debug --nocrashhandler
--nofork...it should update your database and trigger a full rescan

On my system and another's system, it seemed to work just fine; one on
other person's system they got a crash when the rescan was triggered.
In both cases, if you could pastebin the following:

a) Full output from the console
b) A backtrace, if you get a crash

and send the pastebin links to me, it would be awesome.  (Please don't
email the output as the formatting will become almost unreadable.)

Thanks, everyone!

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