a git repo to poke at

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Mon Jun 8 07:34:35 CEST 2009

Thiago has run a trial conversion of Amarok to git. I uploaded it to

(the original location at git://labs.trolltech.com/amarok seems faster though)

Seems like everything is there to me. Thiago made it clear that it
should be looked at closely.

One issue is that since SVN's concept of a tag is actually more
similar to a git branch then a git tag, most Amarok tags have a branch
created for them. The solution is someone should go through and delete
these "branches" and replace them with git tags. This is pretty
trivial though, we can do that when we actually make the switch.

The latest news on the switch is that Chani committed the changes to
scripty, but it was somewhat of a flop due to this and that. But thats
just details that will probably be worked out soonish.


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