(Delayed) GSoC status update

Martin T. Sandsmark sandsmark at samfundet.no
Wed Jul 22 18:23:53 CEST 2009

Another (delayed :[) status update.

Since last update, I've been sick, without internet, and almost gotten support 
for AudioDataOutput in phonon-gstreamer. I blame GStreamer (or rather glib) 
for the sickness, obviously.

I've also been in contact with the Qt Brisbane office, after Bart told me that 
they were working on Phonon (and I got the mail addy from thiago). Good news 
is that they're only working on stuff related to implementing new backends, 
and that they don't have any secret git repos stashed away anywhere, their 
latest stuff is publicly available on gitorious.org. So I'm not doing anything 

I also hope this is the last delayed status update, and that I will have more 
or less stable access to the internet from now on and until I'm finished.

Also; should I port the amarok1 analyzers (bouncy bars) to the new stuff, and 
let cvandonderen take the visualizations (fullscreen visual goodness)? Or 
should I just focus on cleaning up my mess^W patch, and fix the support in 

martin t. sandsmark

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