GSoC Status update July/1

Sven Krohlas sven at
Tue Jul 14 11:03:30 CEST 2009


as wished, also a copy for the ml.

So, at the GCDS we discussed the problems I encountered and also the
future of my GSoC project. We finally came to the conclusion that QtScript
is not the best tool to get unit testing into Amarok. Of course being
able to send a user a test script would be nice, but as outlined previously:
making all the needed APIs available to scripts is anything but trivial.

So we came up with this:
* Tests should be written in C++, using the QtTest framework.
* Later we can make the test framework scriptable, if we still want to.
* Tests should run inside Amarok, not as seperate binaries (reduces linking
  time, CMakeLists.txt complexity).

Basically this meant that I needed to remove my current work, but that's
still better than wasting an endless amounth of time trying to bend tools
into shape to use them for something they weren't meant to be used.

I started on this new approach at the GCDS, but there is not yet much to
be seen. A "Run Unit Tests" help menu entry in Amarok debug builds, the start
of a GUI to run selected/all tests. But I'm quite confident that now we will
have much faster progress than before.
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