EngineController borked
Jeff Mitchell
mitchell at kde.org
Tue Feb 10 19:40:15 CET 2009
Hash: SHA1
Dan Meltzer wrote:
>> I also agree with this to a point. I may have made it a bit too
black and white.
>> However, the main point I wanted to make, is that this commercial
>> partner pays Mark to make things work in a certain way. They don't
>> pay anyone else. This means that no one else should feel responsible
>> for making things work in a certain way. We all want Amarok to become
>> a better product, but no one pays me to dig into enginecontroller to
>> make things work (which is more than fine) but to expect the community
>> to put effort into a certain direction because its the direction a
>> commercial partner wishes to go (in general, not in this case
>> necessarily) sets a dangerous precedent.
>> To be upset that things are not working ideally is fine, to expect
>> people to drop everything and make certain things work ideally, when
>> other things are equally as broken (collection management, little
>> things all over the place..) is a bit of a stretch, at least in my
>> opinion.
I agree with this too. No one else should be responsible for, for
instance, putting a commercial logo on Amarok, other than the person
being paid to do it.
Nikolaj has a point in that trunk *will* be broken. In IRC he and Mark
discussed the merits of how moving to Git will prevent such issues from
occurring vs. the impossibility of preventing these issues in the first
place, because what works for one person may break for others.
It's important to remember that people don't usually break trunk (in any
meaningful way) on purpose. Keeping that in mind, I think Nikolaj is
right on that particular point -- git is nice, but much of our
day-to-day development (and not major refactoring) should take place in
the git master branch, because that's the only way to get eyes on
things. If whatever caused the enginecontroller wonkiness wasn't in
trunk right now, we wouldn't be noticing that something was wrong (since
it probably seemed to work for whoever committed it).
- --Jeff
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