id3 tag problems

Karl Vollmer karl.vollmer at
Mon Dec 7 14:27:25 CET 2009

May I suggest MPD as a good app to check, I've had the fewest problems
with tag reading in it.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Myriam Schweingruber
<schweingruber at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> since quite some time we get reports about id3 tag reading problems,
> which seem to have not changed much in all the time we try to solve
> that problem.
> Here are a few links to the various bug reports about that problem, as
> well as some forum posts with maybe some insight for the tag
> specialists amongst us. I skipped the forum posts in other languages
> than English, but there are other in both German and French, and I
> guess also in Chinese, Peter can certainly confirm:
>  this one is marked to
> have a patch since ages, BTW...
> related to this forum
> post:
> apparently
> id3v1 tags are not read anymore, regression in 2.2.1?
> They guy who reported bug 217237 sent me some files with Greek
> characters that are not read correctly, I tested those, all tags are
> read correctly with kid3, easytag, picard and VLC, it's just Amarok
> that can't read some of those:
>  displays everything correctly
>  see for yourself
>  this one has the song title in Latin characters which is intended,
> since it is sung in Italian, the Greek characters don't display at all
> in Amarok.
> I am just wondering why we seem to make the only application that is
> not able to read id3 tags correctly. I tried those 3 files outside of
> the collection, in the collection, scanned with and without encoding
> detector which mad absolutely no difference, I end up with two of the
> three files not displaying the tags correctly. Those are clearly
> tagged in utf-8.
> Yesterday somebody reported equally strange behavior with Russian
> characters, where only Amarok was not able to display the artist tag
> while displaying all other tags correctly:
> Since there are other players that can do it and that are also Free
> Software, did anybody ever bother to check how they are doing it?
> Apparently we are doing something wrong here, and nobody is able to
> sort it out, so why not get a hint from other projects?
> Regards, Myriam
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