2.2 release - equalizer

Leo Franchi lfranchi at kde.org
Fri Aug 28 17:51:55 CEST 2009

On Aug 28, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Artur Szymiec wrote:

> Dnia 2009-08-28, pią o godzinie 12:21 +0200, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen  
> pisze:
>> > My proposal is to include the equalizer feature as it is for now,  
>> then until
>> > next release
>> > I will move the dialog to separate menu as requested.
>> I think this makes sense. If I remember correctly, it will not even
>> show up unless people have a patched phonon, so for most people it
>> wont be there at all initially while the geeks can test it, help
>> mature/tweak it.
>> - Nikolaj
> Yes - exactly. It'll show up as disabled until the user phonon  
> install will support it.
> But how I should merge it to the trunk ? I have my own clone of  
> amarok-git
> but how to push it to upstream ?

Please make a merge request on gitorious. You can press the "merge  
request" button on the amarok repo homepage---it'll have instructions  
on what to do next.


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