Help with Ruby script for NEON nightly packages?

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Thu Aug 6 19:47:38 CEST 2009

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Lydia Pintscher<lydia at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 13:37, Magnus Bergmark<magnus.bergmark at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Certainly. I could take a
>> look, but I cannot promise anything yet since I'll have a week of vacation starting this friday evening.
>> Before that, I could have some time left to do some hacking, but during the
>> vacation it is harder to guarantee right now.
>> How quickly does this need to be fixed? What's the deadline?
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Lydia Pintscher <lydia at> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 12:52, Mark Kretschmann<kretschmann at> wrote:
>>> > Hi Magnus,
>>> >
>>> > I remember fondly that you helped us once with fixing one of our Ruby
>>> > scripts. Now we're facing a similar issue: Our tarball generation
>>> > script (written by Harald Sitter) needs to be ported from SVN to Git,
>>> > which Amarok migrated to recently. Harald is already working on this,
>>> > but his time is limited.
>>> >
>>> > Now my question: Would you be interested in helping him a bit? :)
>>> Actually it's the Neon scripts that need porting most urgently. They
>>> are used to fetch sources for our nightly builds and then package and
>>> build them. With the move to git they of course broke.
>>> I think Harald could also use some help with the tarball/release
>>> script but that's less urgent and he is working on it already.
>>> Cheers
>>> Lydia
> Thanks Magnus :)
> much appreciated. The code is at
> If you have questions about Neon please ask Harald (CC'd). For
> questions about git best ask on this list.
> No deadline but the sooner we get a working Neon again the better
> because of the testers we get trough it.
> Cheers and thanks for having a look

As a matter of fact I just implemented GIT support, in a very ugly
way, but still it seems to work :)

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