Fwd: Design and API review during Amarok DevSprint

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at kde.org
Mon Apr 27 17:32:46 CEST 2009

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen wrote:
>> The one thing I definitely have planned: getting rid of
>> PopupDropperAction, so that you can simply use normal QActions (most of
>> the original reason for PDA existing has been nullified by other API
>> changes later on in the development).
> That would be sweet as they are making appearances in places in Amarok
> where they conceptually have no business at all.

Exactly.  I just have to figure out how to re-jig the separator code.  I
haven't gotten separators working yet, really, but the code to support
them is in there.  Everything else I've already moved out of PDA.

Of course, getting rid of the PDA acronym means you can't say fun things

I have some PDA with my PUD.


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