Building MySQL Embedded for Amarok 2

Dan Meltzer parallelgrapefruit at
Wed Sep 24 14:07:00 CEST 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:28 AM, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
<nhnfreespirit at> wrote:
>> And this isn't a reason to revert?  I'm pretty sure that expecting
>> users to compile their own version of mysql is probably a bit high of
>> an entry barrier to expect satisfactory (or any) testing of the beta.
> If we dont make this change now, then when? Sure, it will mean less
> testing in the short term, but hopefully the distros will offer an
> updated mysql package soon so most users will not have to compile
> mysql themselves.

Can someone forward this to amarok-packagers then?  They should
probably get a heads up sometime before we release...
> Ok, so maybe I am overly optimistic, but the longer we wait, the more
> painful it will be IMO.
> - Nikolaj
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