switching on mysqle

Edward Hades edward.hades at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 22:30:27 CEST 2008

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:50 PM, Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu> wrote:
> And the main issue:
> *Distro support for mysqle is haphazard at best.
> (Its important to note that it appears we should have no problem using
> unpatched mysqle, which was a possibility before.)
> Basically the plan of action:
> *make it easy to install mysql in a prefix especially for Amarok. This
> means writing instructions or a bash script, plus using a cmake that
> perfers something like /opt/amarok-mysql over the (probably messed up)
> distro installation.
> *commit mysqle
> *Notify the distros that mysqle is being used and seek their feedback
> on when its OK to release beta2.

Actually, switching to MyISAM leaves us with only two problems: -fPIC
and key lengths. As Ian said, we can work out key issues on our side.

With the -fPIC we can either wait for mysql guys to release a new
version with http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=39288 fixed, or we can
ask maintainers to use a temporary workaround mentioned there. Dunno,
what will be less painful.

Unless we resolve -fPIC issue, amarok will not build on any ELF-based
platforms. We can also try to disable "-Wl,-fatal-warnings" flag, that
would make it compile on x86, but that doesn't look like a good

Having solved this we can live with distro-provided mysql and start
releasing mysql-powered amarok rightaway.

Edward "Hades" Toroshchin,
Aides on irc.freenode.org

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