Issues with the new playlist...

Dan Meltzer parallelgrapefruit at
Thu Oct 30 04:11:13 CET 2008


1) Selecting the first track selects the header -- is there any way around this?
2) The header takes up a giant amount of space... why do we need the
extra space between lines (i.e. can we shrink the cover down to be two
lines tall so we don't have extra white space)
3) With text being ellidable, we should probably set the tooltip role
for each item to be the same as the full text, so hovering over the
item shows the full text.
4) nowplaying indicator isn't full width--should it be? It seems odd
to have it with margins, but the selection indicator without margins
(although it does kind of differentiate between them)

I am not really in a position where I can hack on these currently (and
I'm a big fan of me never touching the playlist ever) so I'm just
pointing out the ones I've seen!

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