New LibLastFM code

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Thu Oct 30 03:43:01 CET 2008

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Leo Franchi <lfranchi at> wrote:
> hey guys,
> as you probably noticed, i just committed the new service
> using liblastfm.
> as discussed with nightrose, this is *really* close to tagging beta3,
> so i'm asking here for feedback. *please* *please* test this and
> either reply with bugs, or open one on b.k.o and give me the bug
> number! this should really make it's way in ASAP but if it's buggy we
> don't want to release it (i can't get it to break here).
> cheers,
> leo

Compilation went fine, all the features worked and stuff. I listened
for maybe an hour and then I got the attached crash.
The issue, I think, is that the station I was listening to became "out
of tracks." This happens some times when you listen long enough that
you exhaust all songs you can listen to on that particular station for
some unknown time. Since the backtrace below indicates it died when
parsing some XML, perhaps liblastfm is trying to fetchMoreTracks and
it fails? Dunno, that's just me speculating. I attached Max to this

Casey / Ramblurr

Thread 1 (Thread 0xb3614900 (LWP 16722)):
[KCrash Handler]
#5  0xb7fb0410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#6  0xb75cb085 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#7  0xb75cca01 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#8  0xb77db480 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () from
#9  0xb77d8d05 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#10 0xb77d8d42 in std::terminate () from /usr/lib/
#11 0xb77d8e6a in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/
#12 0xad9f51de in CoreDomElement (this=0xbfcd5e2c, x=@0xbfcd5d30) at
#13 0xad9f4803 in CoreDomElement::operator[] (this=0xbfcd5e34,
name=@0xbfcd5e30) at
#14 0xada49740 in LastFm::Track::Private::requestResult
(this=0x84e7ea0, reply=0x8d3b558) at
#15 0xada44248 in LastFm::Track::Private::qt_metacall (this=0x84e7ea0,
_c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=0, _a=0xbfcd5f5c)
    at /home/ramblurr/kde/build/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/lastfm/LastFmMeta_p.moc:68
#16 0xb7eb9a89 in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x8d3b558,
from_signal_index=4, to_signal_index=4, argv=0xbfcd5f5c) at
#17 0xb7eb9f0b in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x8d3b558,
m=0xada250c0, local_signal_index=0, argv=0xbfcd5f5c) at
#18 0xad9f2278 in WsReply::finished (this=0x8d3b558, _t1=0x8d3b558) at
#19 0xada13a1e in WsReply::onFinished (this=0x8d3b558) at
#20 0xad9f28bd in WsReply::qt_metacall (this=0x8d3b558,
_c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=1, _a=0xbfcd617c)
    at /home/ramblurr/kde/build/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/lastfm/lastfm/moc_WsReply.cpp:69

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