Project Governance, take 2

Seb Ruiz ruiz at
Wed Oct 8 07:16:04 CEST 2008

2008/10/8 Nikolaj Hald Nielsen <nhnfreespirit at>:
> I cant help but think that we should really look into how to set up an
> appropriate "not for profit" legal entity to shield individuals from
> ending up in any form of problems with the tax authorities. The money
> we collect from this years roktober is one thing, but potentially, if
> Amarok 2 becomes popular on MAc and Windows, the commission we get
> from Magnatune ( or any other such deals we make) could become quite
> significant.

Regardless of any sort of entity, we would still need rules of
governance. This applies regardless.

> Or if this is too much of a hassle, take another look at the Software
> Conservancy ( I think that was the name of it ).
> - Nikolaj
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:52 AM, Seb Ruiz <ruiz at> wrote:
>> 2008/10/8 Ian Monroe <ian at>:
>>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Seb Ruiz <ruiz at> wrote:
>>>> I think we'll proceed as follows, unless there are objections. Early
>>>> next week, we'll put forward an IRC discussion for those that are
>>>> interested to refine these rules into something better (if even
>>>> needed). Then, we'll email the list with a revised version and do a
>>>> few more cycles if we need until we can find a set of rules where the
>>>> majority of people are satisfied. Once we reach this stage, we can put
>>>> the governance rules into action (doing so will need more discussion,
>>>> eg who is authorised to make these decisions). Let's take it step at a
>>>> time.
>>> Well there is the notable blanks for how to decide who is a voting
>>> member. I'm thinking we can think of some reasonable requirements for
>>> the initial members and then have the membership and/or council make
>>> the decisions for future members.
>> To avoid distractions, do you think it would be okay to deal with the
>> initial members once we have sorted out the rules? If the two are
>> highly coupled then we should determine them at the same time in that
>> case, but perhaps there is no need for it.
>>> Ian
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Seb Ruiz

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