Code analysis from Klocwork arrived

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Sun Oct 5 20:20:27 CEST 2008


the static code defect analysis of Amarok 2 from Klocwork has finally
arrived. As we only have two accounts for the web interface, I'm
simply going to share my login with you:
Username: mkretsch
Password: tR3fa

A few words in advance:

* The number of false positives is very high, so you might want to
exclude certain categories of bugs
* The ScriptEngine folder generates ~2000 (false) reports, so you want
to exclude it from the search

If you fix any bugs with the help of this analysis, please make the
commit message like this (each report has a "PID" number):

"Fixed blah blah. Klocwork PID <x>"

And then you can also mark the report as Fixed in the web interface.

Have fun ;)

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer -

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