Including libgpod as optional package in main CMakeLists

Ian Monroe ian at
Thu May 29 20:57:23 CEST 2008

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Alejandro Wainzinger
<aikawarazuni at> wrote:
> It seems libgpod is special, and PKGCONFIG macro is failing on it.
> With njb for example, it looks for a libnjb.pc file, but here it's
> looking for libgpod.pc, which exists in kubuntu as libgpod-1.0.pc and
> so it doesn't find it.  How should I alter the cmake file?

NJB has a cmake/modules/FindNjb.cmake file. Are you writing one for gpod?

cmake issues aren't fun.


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