Bookmarking feature proposal

Daniel Winter dw at
Mon Jun 30 15:24:20 CEST 2008

On Monday 30 June 2008 01:15:14 Casey Link wrote:
> I think bookmarking should certainly be in A2, but likely not in 2.0
> There are definitely more important things to get done first.
> But when someone decides to get around to it.. I've created a wiki
> page for it with some initial ideas Based on an irc convo with
> Nightrose, leinir, and DanielW.

I like it. 

A few additional thoughts:

- I do not think that that another category below dynamic plalists is a good 

I am not even sure if a special gui for them is needed.  

If you for example want to see all marked positions of a song you can play it. 

Then jump to a position by short clicking on the position in the seek bar. 

If you need to "bookmark" the tracks with positions, just store a playlist 
with them (or with only one of them).  

Later when smart playlists (part of dynamic playlists?) are back we could 
create a defaul smartplay list "All songs withs stored positions"

- Another database column of type bool would be needed. It stores if the 
position is an automatic position. 

When you then play the track the next time it will direct start playing on the 
auto positon. And it will delete the auto position when playing started.  (if 
it is auto created it should be auto deleted).  

And when there is more than one position for a song we must somehow store 
which one of them is the auto position.  

- When the user skips a podcast, audio book track or long track it should not 
create a auto positon. Only on amarok exit or pause. I think when a user 
skiped it, he/she do not want to start it the next time from the there.

- I like that feature. I have not seen that in any other player yet. But it is 
not planed for 2.0, is it? There are a lot of other things which should be 
done before that.


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