Cover Retrieval Errors

Seb Ruiz ruiz at
Tue Jun 24 14:36:22 CEST 2008

Markey and I were trying to debug problems fetching a cover for the
following artist/album:

Jean-Michel Jarre - Téo & Téa

After removing the &, this gets encoded to:

Which amazon returns no results for:,Images

The CoverFetcher proceeds to try another fetch without the album,
which returns garbage.

However, if we do a request from Amazon with: Jean-Michel Jarre - Teo
& Tea (no umlauts), then Amazon returns the correct images:,Images

Can anybody confirm any other albums/artists which have a better image
retrieval behaviour when umlauts are removed from characters? This
might give us a much better hit rate on cover fetching.

Seb Ruiz

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