add applets dialogue

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at
Wed Jun 18 11:09:33 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:06, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at> wrote:
> Careful, young padawans. Before you remove it, you must come up with a
> solution for the discoverability problem: Right-clicking context view
> for adding applets is _not obvious_.

Of course we need to come up with something like that.
Maybe Leinir has a good idea.

> Additionally, a fresh Amarok 2 installation comes with no active
> applets at all. This means you're staring at mostly empty GUI.

Which is why I said a default set of applet that is activated on first
startup would be a good idea.
I think we all agree, that having an empty context view at the
begining is not a good idea.

Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

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