RFC: Amarok 2.0 deadline September, 1

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Thu Jun 12 09:29:40 CEST 2008

Hi all,

on IRC some of us have been discussing a possible deadline for the 2.0
release. The initial spark that started the discussion was the
announcement of the Kubuntu "next" release schedule. In short: We
would like Amarok 2 to become the default music player in the next
Kubuntu release.

Kubuntu "Intrepid Ibex" is scheduled for release in October 2008, with
a deadline for applications sometime in August. I'm fairly sure they
would accept an Amarok 2.0 on September 01, *if* Amarok turns out to
be stable at that point.

This release of Kubuntu will be completely centered around KDE 4.1. If
Amarok 2 will not be ready for the release, then probably Amarok 1
will be chosen as the default music player. As you've probably
noticed, KDE 3 applications are starting to look really outdated in a
KDE 4 environment, so this would be a shame.

Q: Why is this post so focused on Kubuntu?
A: It just so happens that the Kubuntu release schedule is fairly
compatible with our Amarok 2 progress and our own tentative release
plans. So I think it makes a good aim, even if we should miss the
deadline. Also, (K)ubuntu is of course a very popular distro, and it
is of special importance to the Amarok project. I do not mean to
downplay the importance of the other existing distros.

Q: What happens if a feature (e.g. from SoC students) is not ready?
A: No big deal. It will simply be pushed into Amarok 2.1.

Tentative release schedule for Amarok 2:

1) 2.0 Alpha this month
2) 2.0 Beta1 and Beta2 @ July / August
3) 2.0 Final @ September 01

Thank you for reading, and please let me know your opinions :)

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
www.kde.org - amarok.kde.org

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