Amarok patches in Debian

Lydia Pintscher lydia at
Sun Jul 27 00:34:24 CEST 2008

Hi Ana and Modestas,

It was brought to my my attention that Debian has a few patches for
Amarok that I should have a look at at
It didn't really make me happy :(

Those patches were never send upstream it seems.
Especially the patch and the database patch would have been
highly appreciated.

It doesn't do us much good now since we are focussing on Amarok 2 so
most if not all of them can't be used anymore but I really hope that
from now on patches get send to us. I would really appreciate it if
this does not happen with patches for Amarok 2 again.

I don't know if you two have been responsible for the old patches or
not but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were
not. Let's start fresh and work closer together.

Thank you for packaging Amarok.
If you have got any questions feel free to contact me.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

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