Amarok look

William Viana vianasw at
Wed Jul 16 18:17:03 CEST 2008

Hello there,

pinheiro and me have been talking via skype today about amarok 2
visual aspect in general and the way things are being done. I'll try
to explain what pinheiro told me the best way I can but as you know
I'm new here and I may not know about the details.

Firstly we are using svg's but we are rendering them the wrong way.
Every svg that has corners and is scaled in some way should be done in
several pieces and in a way that everything is scaled but the corners
or they loose their aspect and result in something not nice. Seems
like we are using svgs in a lot of places and are not doing it the
sane way.

Other problem is that by using monochromatic svg themes and then
tinting them doesn't work very well, apart that then artists are very
limited to create themes, themes won't be very well adapted to the
current desktop theme. By using svgs in a lot of places makes it very
difficult that the application looks integrated with the environment
since it's not only about colours but other things like button's
shapes for instance.

And finally since we are using plasma for the context view, qt
graphics view framework for the playlist on the right and qt widgets
for the collection browser it results very difficulty to make the
application visually coherent and also very difficult for artists to
collaborate since they need to be working on three different things
that work different from each other.

pinheiro suggests that we should really care about the svg scaling
issue and that we should solve it as soon as possible. For the last
issue he suggests that we shouldn't be using three different
frameworks, we should be using at most two and preferably only one but
it's something that maybe couldn't be done now unless we delay the
release date.

If I said something really wrong please correct me. And pinheiro
please add more details if you feel like.

Please cc to pinheiro [nuno at] when you answer since
he's not subscribed to the list.


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